How to raise a potency in house conditions

Impotence — a complete or partial lack of erection. She most men after 30 years begins to deteriorate. According to statistics, somewhere in the 66% of males have a problem with that, or they were in the past. However, in some cases it is possible to quickly raise the potency in the home.

problems with potency

Vascular cause of impotence

The essence of erection lies in the filling of the penis with blood. There is such a disease as erectile dysfunction. In medicine it is treated as insufficient blood filling of the penis for intercourse. However, there is one important point. Very often there are situations when a man is tired, overloaded at work, and in these cases also will have problems with sex. The only difference is that this is a normal condition.

In most cases the cause of impotence is damage to blood vessels of the penis. In order to check the health of blood vessels, you must do the following. Before bedtime on the body member in a relaxed state superimposed paper tape. If in the morning it was discovered that this tape is torn, it will indicate a nocturnal erection. So, problems with blood vessels not.

Man is obliged to have night or morning erections. This suggests that it is healthy, the vessels are well passable, and the current problems are temporary and safe character.

The development of atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is a systemic process. He goes the same speed in all blood vessels of the body. The arteries that are in the penis, have a very small diameter. Large vessels of the arms, legs and neck three times their diameter. Accordingly, if the patient developed atherosclerosis, in the first place will suffer small vessels.

There are medical statistics that men who have impotence there is a great chance to get in the next five years myocardial infarction. The main advice is to visit a cardiologist and check the level of cholesterol in the blood (the ratio of lipoproteins of low and high density). In addition, it is necessary to do an ultrasound of the major blood vessels of the head and neck.

Acetylsalicylic acid

Aspirin can reduce blood viscosity, thereby preventing the platelets from sticking together in blood vessels. The process of erection is directly linked to the filling with blood the penis. Furthermore, men who suffer from erectile dysfunction or impotence, have much chance of getting any heart complication system. Taking aspirin can improve the condition of vessels and to protect themselves from it.

Note: more than 100 mg of aspirin every day is not recommended.

Recipes for raising potency

This drink will provide a rapid increase in potency at home and will allow you to feel like a man in any situation. The ingredients that make up the drink you can buy in any grocery store. They include three products and three condiments:

  • 200-400 grams of root ginger (in powder form);
  • three lemons;
  • honey;
  • cinnamon;
  • cloves;
  • nutmeg.

To cook the broth in the evening. Ginger must first be cleaned and then boiled. After boiling turn off the heat, allow to cool at room temperature and top up if necessary water should be two liters. In cold infusion of ginger squeeze the juice of three lemons and their zest.

Note: you should not put in the infusion of white film from lemons, as it is poisonous. Better carefully remove with a knife peel.

The resulting broth insist under the lid for one night. After insisting there is added one teaspoon of cinnamon. The taste is also added cloves with nutmeg. All thoroughly mixed. Drink it after meal twice a day, morning and evening. In any case it is impossible to drink on an empty stomach, especially if there are problems with the stomach. To the broth was tastier, you can add a teaspoon of honey (preferably liquid).

how to raise the potency

Brew for potency

To raise the potency in the home, you can prepare ancient remedy. It is the Foundation of the brew, but not purchased, and prepared at home. First of all you need to do the starter, and for this you will need the following ingredients:

  • 50 grams of raw yeast;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • malt.

In a glass jar and added a bit of raw yeast (about 50 grams) and 10 tablespoons of sugar. You can add lesser amount of sugar, but the proportions of the brew will turn out better. Then add three tablespoons of malt, and all are filled with hot water. Its temperature should not exceed 60 degrees, otherwise the brew is just cooked and the yeast will not work.

The brew is thoroughly mixed and placed in a warm place. Comes it will be for three days. The first brew will probably have to pour out, because it will smell of yeast. Retained only a certain amount of starter (1-2 cups).

On the basis of the brew is an effective remedy. For its preparation you will need horseradish. It needs to be fresh, not canned. To fuck is better dissolved in the brew, it must be grate. Grated horseradish added to the brew and the last kept in a dark container at least a week, while it needs to be in a fairly cool place.


Based on kvass with horseradish to prepare a dish called cold bread soup, which will also allow you to increase the potency at home. This dish young women treated their husbands so that they were energetic and tireless in love. Foreign travelers have linked the presence of a large number of children in the family with this dish.

To make it, except the brew will need a black radish. It can grind in a meat grinder. Black radish is also very valued many years ago and was considered a storehouse of nutrients. Cold soup is a pretty simple dish. It is a mere diced rye bread with the addition of a few spoonfuls of sour cream. In the dish added a bit of salt, and there is added radish. Radish will add astringency to the dish. At the end is added to the brew, and a dish can be considered ready.

This cold soup is very easy to digest and especially good after the holidays, if nothing else no longer wants. He has a triple effect: it nourishes, quenches thirst and is able to increase sexual energy.

Baking soda

Soda or sodium bicarbonate is used in many fields. It is used, and in order to increase the potency, and it serves as an auxiliary means for treatment of prostatitis and BPH. First of all, the soda removes stagnation in the pelvic area and increases the production of the sexual secret. There are two forms of techniques of this tool: internal and external (bathing).

folk remedies for potency


The amount of soda should not exceed a teaspoon, but first it is necessary to take talk. It dissolves in a glass of warm water or milk, then in a saucepan brought to the boil, but not boiled. Throughout the process of heating the beverage must actively to stir, because otherwise the baking soda will settle to the bottom and completely dissolved.

The solution is taken daily for 10 days. Drunk on an empty stomach in the morning 30 minutes before eating. Maximum course duration is one month.

Alkaline baths

An additional method to improve erectile function is alkaline bath. It is taken before bedtime for the reason that very much effect on him relaxing. One pack of baking soda dissolved in three liters of boiling water. All thoroughly mixed, with the sediment from the bottom no need to remove. The solution is filled in the typed a bath, which need not take more than 30 minutes.

Features diet

First and foremost, to maintain male power need to consume enough protein, and preferably animal protein. These include:

  • fish;
  • seafood;
  • dairy products.

The usual meat in this regard is not very suitable, because it is difficult to digest, and its cleavage requires a greater amount of energy. If happens so that the man at some point will eat less animal foods, and will eat only plant food, it will experience severe protein deficiency. The sperm of such a person will be synthesized much slower, and the sexual desire he will weaken.

After ejaculation (ejaculation) for the formation of sperm must be quite a large amount of protein, which the body immediately demands to restore a lost sperm. Besides, along with seminal fluid takes a lot of micronutrients. This aspect must also be considered and varied to eat that was most likely to get everything you need. You can take special supplements that contain certain micro - and macronutrients. From the most essential vitamins are A and E and trace elements such as zinc.

A large amount of zinc is found in nuts and seeds. These include:

  • ginger;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • walnuts and hazelnuts.

At deficiency of vitamin D observed decreased production of the male sex hormone. This vitamin is synthesized by the body itself, but only in the presence of sunlight. In winter it is recommended to take it, buying in pharmacies.


diet for potency

Of course, to increase virility, you need to avoid alcohol and Smoking, exercise, eat a healthy diet and generally lead a healthy lifestyle. However, not all are willing and able to stick to it. The modern medical industry has been helping men achieve their goals by producing effective and not very expensive medicines.

Before their use it is imperative to read the instructions for use, since it has many different contraindications. When taking stimulants to enhance the potency of the blood sent to the organs of reproduction. Vision and hearing this fall, a heartbeat, on the contrary, will become more frequent. These pills can be very dangerous for hypertensive persons and cores, especially if parallel with them, the man taking medicines that contain nitrates.

Sometimes the effect of the pill can last up to 36 hours, which is very dangerous. You need to take for a rule: the smaller the dose of the substance taken, the less side effects from the drug. Side-effects, at least, can treat dizziness and swelling of the nasal mucosa.

Stimulants of male power cannot be taken in that case, if the cause of erectile dysfunction or impotence lies in obesity. They will not cure, but only cause a serious addiction. In many cases, the systematic use of stimulants entails the strengthening of processes in the prostate gland. If the man had a normal prostate, after taking this can quickly turn into a BPH.